Artigos em Revistas com Factor de Impacto

439 publicações listadas
Oncological outcomes in the management of cT1-T2 cN0 penile squamous cell carcinoma
Garisto J, Nayan M, Fadaak K, Li K, Pandya A, Leao R et al.
Urethra-sparing minimally invasive simple prostatectomy: an old technique revisited
Cardoso A, Lima E
Effects of testosterone replacement on serotonin levels in the prostate and plasma in a murine model of hypogonadism
Mota P, Barbosa-Martins J, Moura RS, Lima E, Miranda A, Correia-Pinto J, Carvalho-Dias E.
EAU Section of Uro-Technology (ESUT) Research Group. Bipolar endoscopic enucleation versus bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate: an ESUT systematic review and cumulative analysis
Arcaniolo D, Manfredi C, Veccia A, Herrmann TRW, Lima E, Mirone V et al.
The performance improvement-score algorithm applied to endoscopic stone. Treatment step 1 protocol
Veneziano D, Patruno G, Talso M, Tokas T, Proietti S, Porreca A et al.
Efficacy and safety of renal drainage options for percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Pimentel Torres J, Oliveira JN, Morais N, Anacleto S, Rodrigues RM, Mota P et al.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy reduces mortality in patients with Fournier's gangrene. Results from a multi-institutional observational study.
Creta M, Longo N, Arcaniolo D, Giannella R, Cai T, Cicalese A et al.
Kidney Segmentation in Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Images using a Fast Phase-based Approach
Torres HR, Queiros S, Morais P, Oliveira B, Gomes-Fonseca J, Mota P et al.
Use of hemostatic agents for surgical bleeding in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: Biomaterials perspective
Pacheco M, Barros AA, Aroso IM, Autorino R, Lima E, Silva JM, Reis RL.
New endoscopic procedure for bladder wall closure: results from the porcine model
Oliveira C, Barros AA, Reis RL, Correia-Pinto J, Lima E.
Technical Note: Assessment of electromagnetic tracking systems in a surgical environment using ultrasonography and ureteroscopy instruments for percutaneous renal access
Gomes-Fonseca J, Veloso F, Queirós S, Morais P, Pinho ACM, Fonseca JC et al.
Portuguese recommendations for the treatment of psoriasis with biologic therapy
Torres T, Tavares Bello R, Paiva Lopes MJ, Menezes Brandão F, Ferreira A, Ferreira P et al.
Dril Influences Short-term Visual Outcome after Intravitreal Corticosteroid Injection for Refractory Diabetic Macular Edema
Luís ME, Sampaio F, Costa J, Cabral D, Teixeira C, Ferreira JT.
Neurocirurgia, Oncologia Médica e Hematologia
Body mass index as an independent prognostic factor in glioblastoma
Valente Aguiar P, Carvalho B, Vaz R, Linhares P.
Subungual Elastofibroma
Haneke E
European Federation for Colposcopy and Pathology of the Lower Genital Tract (EFC) and the European Society of Gynecologic Oncology (ESGO). European consensus statement on essential colposcopy.
Redman CWE, Kesic V, Cruickshank ME, Gultekin M, Carcopino X, Castro Sanchez M et al.
The Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis-A Scoping Review.
Alpuim Costa D, Modas Daniel P, Vieira Branco J
Imunoalergologia, Ginecologia-Obstetrícia
Serum markers of B-cell activation in pregnant women with atopic asthma
Martins C, Lima J, Cambridge G, Ângelo-Dias M, Leandro M, Miguel Borrego L
Imunoalergologia, Pediatria
The challenges and facilitators of self-management in pediatric asthma
Pité H, Carvalho S, Morais-Almeida M
Reumatologia, Oftalmologia, Imunoalergologia
Association between EBV serological patterns and lymphocytic profile of SjS patients support a virally triggered autoimmune epithelitis
Barcelos F, Martins C, Monteiro R, Cardigos J, Prussiani T, Sítima M et al.
The "Big Five" Lung Diseases in CoViD-19 Pandemic - a Google Trends analysis
Barbosa MT, Morais-Almeida M, Sousa CS, Bousquet J
Imunoalergologia, Otorrinolaringologia
ARIA 2019: Um Percurso Assistencial Integrado para a Rinite Alérgica em Portugal [ARIA 2019: An Integrated Care Pathway for Allergic Rhinitis in Portugal]
Fonseca J, Taveira-Gomes T, Pereira AM, Branco-Ferreira M, Carreiro-Martins P, Alves-Correia M et al.
Clinical Trials in Portugal: How Can we Improve?
Carvalho M, Cunha de Eça R, Gomes I, Gonçalves M, Lopes A, Lopes D et al.
Imunoalergologia, Pediatria
Anaphylaxis in children and adolescents: The Portuguese Anaphylaxis Registry
Gaspar Â, Santos N, Faria E, Pereira AM, Gomes E, Câmara R et al.